Saturday, 17 May 2014

Im back!...Or at least in the process of!...

Firstly, may I thank you for taking the time to read and view my page. If you have have had a look on here before I'm afraid I have regretfully abandoned my beloved blog for quite some time now but I have a fairly good excuse, I am now a Mum!

I have had an incredible whirlwind of a 'life' these past two years; the birth of my beautiful daughter has naturally been an amazing and life changing experience to say the least and with the help of my very hard working and supportive partner, I can comfortably say I could not be happier. I must say though, recently I have really been feeling there is (and I feel horribly guilty and selfish saying it!) perhaps something missing.

Although I have taken a bit of a break due to 'Mummyhood' over the past year or so, my lust for creativity has been ever present, on some occasions perhaps a little too much and I must admit it has been hard to juggle these two elements at times. Design has been my love and lifeline since early childhood, it is something I have pursued into further education and will hopefully make a strong career from at some point in my adult life. This has long been my dream and so I think the time has come to 'get the ball rolling' again; it is quite nerve racking but I am very excited, I have so much to put on to paper.

I do apologise if you feel a little confused by the often, broad range of work I may post; I have been dabbling in quite a few ventures recently including Children’s illustration for my daughters scrapbook etc, an awful lot of baking and even home beauty product making. I am in the process of becoming a proper little Stepford! Perhaps a few gym sessions needed to perfect this however!

Over the next few posts I shall try and briefly fill you in with a few updates from commissions and a potential show I have booked for next spring. Very exciting! I will share some of the general illustrations I have done of an evening that have just kept me in the loop and saved me from complete and total baby brain, and possibly throw in some photos of my crafty experiments along the way. Maybe someone will miraculously spot a link and lead me in a more concentrated direction?! Call it an early mid life crisis if you will but I get frequent and overwhelming urges to do something and as a result I now have at least one room filled with very intriguing materials and “I will use this one day” detritus.

Anyway, you are not on here to read my life story so let me post some images for you. I thoroughly appreciate the interest however and really do welcome any comments and feedback; its what makes me better as a creative person and I look forward to hopefully hearing from some of you soon.

Rhiannon Vaughan is back in her studio and ready to work!

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